Lirik Lagu Saykoji - BOOYAH!

Lirik Lagu Saykoji - BOOYAH!

Lirik Lagu Saykoji - BOOYAH!

i jump down from the sky
bertahan hidup as i try not to die
i got my mind on survival
steady with my rifle
target dapat booyah
number one on my title

i jump down from the sky
bertahan hidup as i try not to die
i got my mind on survival
steady with my rifle
target dapat booyah
number one on my title

Oh oh oh oh oh 
I got my mind on survival
Steady with my rifle
Target dapat booyah 
number one on my title

Start game ranked match play solo
Lima puluh orang battle royale saling buru
I’m just wasting my time di belakang panggung
When the jump button is on gue terjun langsung

Menuju bimasakti strip menukik tajam
Kiri kanan penerjun lain siap mengancam
Landed langsung sprint time to loot
Smg armor level dua pan it’s all good

player lain lagi lengah jalan lambat lambat
Dia kaga liat gue tembak ratat tat tat
Kill dapat satu kagak langsung maju
Sembunyi dulu sebentar di balik batu

Dua player lain datang denger tembakan
Bidik pake scope mayan dapat kesempatan
Tiga kill sudah safe zone udah keliatan
Looting lagi nambah ammo dipersiapkan

i jump down from the sky
bertahan hidup as i try not to die
i got my mind on survival
steady with my rifle
target dapat booyah
number one on my title

i jump down from the sky
bertahan hidup as i try not to die
i got my mind on survival
steady with my rifle
target dapat booyah
number one on my title

Oh oh oh oh oh 
I got my mind on survival
steady with my rifle
target dapat booyah
number one on my title

limabelas menit lagi baru gue on stage
jadi gue tambah fokus otomatis on rage
safe zone mengecil dan gue masih di luar
biar aman sprint berputar walaupun lebih sukar

drone melintas showing my position
langsung prone tiarap merayap with a precision
kan... pada berdatangan 
looking for me
tap tap pake m empat belas bye homie
skarang main stealth minimize all noise
even if i have the shot 
tapi bunyi make a choice

buat apa banyak kill kalo mati duluan
survival sampai akhir yang gue dahulukan
tinggal dua belas pemain 
pada ngiter ngiter
sembunyi sembunyi sambil saling incer
semuanya makin yakin 
aim to be the winner
Naik level demi level bukan lagi beginner

i jump down from the sky
bertahan hidup as i try not to die
i got my mind on survival
steady with my rifle
target dapat booyah
number one on my title

i jump down from the sky
bertahan hidup as i try not to die
i got my mind on survival
steady with my rifle
target dapat booyah
number one on my title

tinggal sisa tiga player safe zone setitik
satu keliatan lagi ngumpet gue bidik
headshot tepat sasaran safe zone mengecil
sprint menuju titik di minimap seupil

then i saw that player lagi jalan mundur
tinggal disikat gue lagi mujur
woi saatnya manggung manager gue nowel 
mati digranat gagal booyah oh well

i jump down from the sky
bertahan hidup as i try not to die
i got my mind on survival
steady with my rifle
target dapat booyah
number one on my title

i jump down from the sky
bertahan hidup as i try not to die
i got my mind on survival
steady with my rifle
target dapat booyah
number one on my title

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